Saturday, May 22, 2010


The joy of any woman is to have a baby of her own .As great
As this may sound , many a woman will never cuddle any baby
In their life time. This is no curse. It is the habit and the damnable
Life style of some that will rob them of the desired fruit of
the womb.

First on the list is the issue of Frozen Pelvis. This occurs
As a result of repeated infection of the reproductive tract.
From sexually transmitted diseases. The inflammation
Accompanying this repeated chronic infection causes serous
Exudates that plasters the tubes, the ovaries and other
Reproductive structures on the pelvis. The pelvis appears

The implication of a frozen pelvis is that the normal
Anatomy of the reproductive pathway becomes distorted.
There is associated abdominal pain and impedance to free
Passage of eggs through the fallopian tube during ovulation
with consequent infertility.

Efforts must not be spared in treating infections of the private
Parts. Early visit to the clinic and compliance to drug regimen
And duration must be sacrosanct. The duration of treatment of
Such infection can be up to two weeks. The temptation
Has always been to stop medication when symptoms have
Subsided. This must be resisted and strict adherence to
Duration of treatment must be the norm.

Similar to Frozen Pelvis is Tubal Blockade. This is as a result
Of movement of disease causing pathogen to the fallopian
Tubes with consequent blockade with time. When the tubes
Are blocked ovulation becomes a wasted exercise because
Passage of eggs becomes practically impossible.

Fibroid, which is abnormal growth from the muscle of the
Uterus can also protrude into the lumen of the uterus where
It can prevent implantation of the fertilized eggs or completely
Block the entrance of the fallopian tubes in to the uterus. Fibroid
Can be surgically removed. This is a serious cause of infertility.

Hormonal imbalance may also cause infertility. Patients who
Are lactating when not pregnant may have problem with some
Hormones in the body. Some other hormones assist ovulation
And prepare the uterus for implantation. When in adequate
Amount. So, hormonal assay is the answer to ascertain the
Adequacy of hormone of pregnancy.

Less frequent but important causes of infertility include
Some social activities like excessive smoking, alcohol
Consumption and over work. Lack of adequate coital
Interaction from pressure of work and other related
Social reasons.

To be pregnant efforts must not be spared in active
Infection treatment, improved social life and general
Body care.


Doctors would say pregnancy is just a normal physiological
Mothers, however still die from this an otherwise
Innocuous process of procreation. Though this phenomenon
may be said to be prevalent in the third world countries and
And among the flotsam and jetsam of the dredges of this
World; pockets of such unfortunate incidence, nonetheless
Still occur in the so called civilized setting.

The first reason for death among mothers is bleeding disorders
in pregnancy (hemorrhagic disorders). When placenta, through
Which the baby feeds is abnormally sited close to the opening
Of the uterus, they tend to bleed profusely. The bleeding may
Be occasioned by the placental bruising or total dislodgement.

If corrective measures are not put in place by mother’s resuscitation
and sometimes caesarean section, mother may die.
Other serious causes of bleeding are Abruptio placenta, cervical
laceration and sometimes uterine rupture.

Pre eclampsia, which is a severe hypertension with excess urinary
Protein in pregnancy is also a potent cause of death in mothers. If
Left untreated this may graduate into a frank severe convulsion
otherwise known as eclampsia .This type of convulsion is always
associated with loss of consciousness. Graduation to eclampsia
is always heralded by severe headache, chest pain or blurring of

Pregnancy is always associated with clot formation in the blood
vessels. When these clots are dislodged they move into the blood
vessels of the lungs. These may be occluded in the process causing
sudden breathing difficulties and eventual death.
Mothers should be ambulant avoiding unnecessary sedentary life style.
A little exercise will go a long way in saving the situation.

Mothers whose babies have stopped kicking should call for help.
A dead baby that has stayed in the uterus for an extended period
of time may leak out certain chemicals into the mother’s blood
vessels. This may increase tendencies for reduced clot formation
In mothers. Excessive bleeding may ensue from disseminated
coagulopathies. Doctors must be seen when it is assumed that
there is intra uterine fetal death. .

These are some of the causes of maternal death. Eternal vigilance
is the key.Pregnancy is a thing of joy, it must not be allowed to
consign our women to their early grave

Friday, May 14, 2010

Placenta Praevia in Pregnancy

Pregnancy when carried to term without any complication is
A miracle of sort
. Some pregnant women bleed and if not
Well attended to may bleed to death. So, bleeding during
Pregnancy must not be treated with kid gloves.

If the placenta is abnormally sited close to uterine outlet
Along the baby’s passageway, mother may bleed before
Or during labor. This is often associated with abdominal
Pain with vaginal bleeding.

This phenomenon is called placenta praevia .It is a terrible
Complication of pregnancy. Some placenta praevia however
May not bleed because they are located in the lower part of
The uterus away from the uterine opening.

Bleeding may be so profuse that .the well being of the baby
May be jeopardized. If on the other hand the clotted blood
Remains for too long in the mother it may impair the ability
Of the blood in the circulation to clot, hence a condition
Called Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy may
Ensue causing severe bleeding from all the body orifices.

Abdominal ultrasound taken early in the pregnancy
will discover this problem on time. If not discovered on time,
spotting or bleeding of any magnitude should be treated
with aggression and your family doctor should be seen
on time.

Treatment modality differs depending on the gestational
Age of the baby. If the baby by reason of gestational age
Is not viable enough for extra uterine life, some conservative
Methods of treatment would be employed. Bed rest is always
Encouraged. Drugs that normally prevent labour (tocolytics)
Are also useful.

If the fetus has reached the stage of maturation.
Vaginal delivery may be allowed if the placenta on ultrasonography
is not occluding birth passage way. I f otherwise, caesarean section
will be used for the delivery of the baby.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Easy Tricks of Getting Pregnant.

Some women are just frustrated simply because
of difficulties they encountered while trying
to conceive.
The frustration becomes more ardent
when it appears age is telling on them.

Probably you are the one afflicted by this misfortune,
the solution in not in giving up.There are number of
answers to this problem if the bends are negotiated

The first step is to tell yourself you want to take in.
Yes, prepare your mind for it. If you have been on any
form of contraceptive then bid such fare well. If your
business will always take you out of your matrimonial home,
ask for leave or change your job outright

Help yourself, quit smoking and alcohol consumption. Avoid
caffeinated drinks and whatever will stress you at all.
Get your partner involved. It takes two to tango.

Study yourself to know when you ovulate. You can do
this by checking the consistency of your vaginal discharge.
It is thinnest at ovulation.This is the period when eggs
are released. Please meet with your partner at this
material time. You can also take daily basal temperature.
This peaks at ovulation.

Correct choice of diet has also been found to enhance
conception.Diets rich in vitamins and mineral will assist
Sea food, like fishes contain some essential
amino acid for conception. Avoid junk foods.

Make your man fit as fiddle. Get him off tobacco and alcohol.
Let him be available during your ovulation.

When you meet let it be a rapturous moment and not a
stiff fault finding moment. Enjoy the moment with absolute
relaxation.These are wrung in the ladder of conception

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Pregnancy is a thing of joy.Many a family has been ruined because
all efforts at pregnancy failed woefully. Getting pregnant is
understanding how your body works
.This involves knowing when you
ovulate and knowing what to eat and what to avoid in your quest to
getting pregnant

Pregnancy symptoms are varied and diverse and most women
experience some if not all of the symptoms during pregnancy

Amenorhea, cessation of menstrual activity is always the first
presentation. Menopause is another reason why women may not menstruate
During amenorhea baby begins to form and maturate in
the mother.

Sore nipple is another symptom. The nipples become tender to touch
This as a result of hormonal changes affecting the areola and the
nipple area of the breast

Pregnant women tend to gain weight. This becomes more prominent from
the second trimester of pregnancy to the third trimester.This pregnancy
symptom,weight gain, can be averted with appropriate training and diet

Change in dietary pattern is also common in pregnancy.Total abhorrence
of previously preferred food and love for meals other than the ones
the pregnant woman used to prefer is common.Ice cream has been
found to be the most desired meal during pregnancy.If the feeding
is poor it may affect the quality of the baby

Early Morning sickness characterized by nausea, vomiting and general
body weakness is common in some patients.It causes a lot of distress
in the sufferer.It is better imagined than experienced. Medications
have been recommended but natural method of treatment seems to be
the best

The knowledge of these symptoms of pregnancy will better prepare
women for what to expect during various changes in pregnancy.

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